English games

Highest Waterfalls of the World game

Highest Waterfalls of the World game

Click on the buttons and find out information about the highest waterfalls on the globe

What are the tallest waterfalls in the world? Find out here! Click on the markers on the map and an image with the waterfall and its name will be displayed. A description of the waterfall appears at the top.

Angel Waterfall -979 m, the highest in South America and on the globe Yosemite waterfall in the USA is the highest in North America. It is 739 m The highest waterfall in Europe is the Vinnufossen Waterfall in Norway. It has a height of 860 meters The highest waterfall in Africa is Tugela. It is 948 m. Some specialists claim that it is higher than the Angel waterfall. Wallaman Falls in Queensland is the highest waterfall in Australia, with a drop of almost 300 meters The Hannoki-no-taki waterfall in Japan is the highest in Asia. It is 500 m.

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