
Joc geografie Relieful glaciar montan


Nr intrebari cu raspuns corect: 0

Scor: 0


Regulile jocului: -Vor aparea pe ecran cerinte. Trebuie sa dai click pe dreptunghiul verde corect
-In momentul in care ai dat click pe dreptunghi indiferent daca e corect sau nu, va aparea o imagine cu descrierea formei de relief. Dupa ce citesti inchide de la X
-Pentru a trece la urmatoarea intrebare apasa pe butonul Intrebarea Urmatoare
– La sfarsit vei primi un raport cu nr de intrebari la care ai raspuns corect.
– Jocul are cronometru, bara de progres si o evidenta cu raspunsuri corecte

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English games Map quiz game

North And Central America Countries Map Quiz Game

Learn the states of North America using this interactive map. This map help you to understand in an interactive way what are the states from North America!

English games Map quiz game

Regions of the United Kingdom games quiz map

Learn the provinces of England using this geography game in the form of an interactive map. Click on the provinces on the map of England and discover their names!
English games Map quiz game

Brazil states map quiz game

You know how many states Brazil has. Do you know the names of the states in Brazil? Do you know the geographical position of each state in Brazil? Enter this map and learn about Brazil using this geography game. Go with the mouse on the interactive map of Brazil and discover the names of the states.
English games Map quiz game

Japan regions , prefectures,quiz map

What are the provinces in Japan? Go with the mouse on the map with the territories and provinces of Japan and learn quickly. This geography game is useful for both students and adults.
English games Map quiz game

States of New Zealand geography game quiz

Do you want to learn which are the states in New Zealand? If the answer is YES, then you must play this geography game. Moving with the mouse on the map of New Zealand you will discover names with the names of the states in New Zealand. This interactive map will help you memorize the names of the provinces in New Zealand.
English games Map quiz game

Canada quiz provinces and territories quiz map

Learn the provinces and territories of Canada in a fun and interactive way. Moving with the mouse on the map of Canada you will discover the name of the province in Canada. It is a pleasant way to learn geography through the game. Geography games have the ability to better fix the information in your brain and you can spatially visualize the geographical position of each province.
English games Map quiz game

US map with states names quiz

US states game Identify the states in the USA. Click on the areas on the map and the name of the respective state will appear. This geography game will help you learn the states of America in a short time. It is an interactive method that uses the map of the United States to benefit learning
English games Map quiz game

Africa Capitals Map Quiz Game

Geography game Capitals of Africa. Learn quickly and in an interactive way the capital of the African continent. The game is addressed to both children and students. It is easy to use! You just need to go with the mouse on the black dots on the map of Africa! Lots of fun!
English games Map quiz game

Lakes of Australia quiz map

Learn the lakes of Australia through play. This map will help you to correctly locate where the lakes are located. Go with the mouse on the lakes on the map of Australia and the name of the lake will appear. Start the geography game called Australian Lakes and quickly learn all the lakes in Australia.